Pests are used to refer to insects and wildlife when these animals had become troublesome and destructive, as a result of mankind’s way of life and desire to have pest free environment. Man term any insects and wildlife that will be detrimental to mankind’s way of life and well- being as pest even when the animal or insect left alone in its natural environment will be harmless (Bees easily comes to mind). Alternatively, a harmless fly that flew into a high class restaurant can cause damage to the reputation of the establishment and thus is deem as pest. We term animals and insects that destroy properties contaminate or damage stored products, attack man or animals and vectors of diseases as pests.

What is Pest
Insects are remarkable group of animals. They occur almost everywhere and make up more than half of all living things on this planet. They play a significant role in the world of nature and affect man directly or indirectly in many ways. Most people look upon any forms of insects as undesirable pests, but we believe insects do more good than harm: insects pollinating services alone are worth billions of dollars worldwide, some provide products of commercial value (honey, beeswax, silk etc). However some are very destructive, some will damage or kill cultivated plants, they may damage or contaminate stored foods and other products and they may attack man or animals and bite, sting or act as vectors of diseases. In such cases, will these insects causing harm become pests.